BRUSSELS – Today, November 28th, theFISU Executive Committee that was elected at the General Assembly in Shenzhen last August, officially had its first meeting in Brussels.
Four new persons joined the team, which gives a substitution rate of 17%. The Executive Committee is mainly composed of European members (10 out of 23 members), but the part of Asia (7 elected representatives) andAfrica(4 elected representatives) progresses. Five women are now members of the FISU executive body (21.7%), which is certainly not enough but shows a regular progress. The Steering Committee has been noticeably reorganized, with three new members including a woman for the first time, and with younger members (the average age is now 53). At the same time, out of five Continental Associate Member Associations of FISU four have designated their new representatives in the Executive Committee. The new FISU Executive Committee reflects the need for change and the will to progress. This change is not a rupture, it is a transition; this will to progress does not call for revolution but evolution. Still, this expectation must be taken into account as soon as possible, the decisions which will be taken during the meeting on November 27th-28th, 2011, in Brussels will enable FISU to start following the innovative road outlined by the General Assembly in Shenzhen.
Photos of all EC members can be found here.
During the first session of the meetingFISUPresident Gallien, Treasurer Bayasgalan and Secretary-General/CEO Saintrond presented their reports.
Verana Burk presented the report on the FISU Round Table ‘Gender Equality’ which was held during the Shenzhen Universiade.
Dr. Rink gave a follow-up on the doping control activities.
The rest of the morning session was devoted to the nominations of the committee members for the period 2011-2015.
Before the lunch break, the FISU Board members visited the promotion booths of the 2017 Universiade candidate cities. Indeed, on Tuesday, November 29th, the FISU EC members will attribute the Winter and Summer Universiades for 2017.
After the lunch the FISU EC returned in session with the progress reports from the WUC department, the Forum, 2013 Winter Universiade Maribor, 2013 Universiade Kazan and 2015 Winter Universiade Granada.

The delegates of the 2012 FISU Forum headed by the Taipei City Mayor Lung-bin Hau presen
ted the third progress report regarding the Forum. 32 countries are registered so far, while more countries are expected, while Mrs. Odell, CESU Chair, further gave an update on the committee’s activities regarding the 2012 Forum, the 2013 Conference, the FISU International Educational Centre (IEC) and the 2013 Rectors’ Forum.
Laurent Briel, WUC Director gave an update on the progress of the 2012 World University Championships.

WU Director Milan Augustin and WU Technical Chair Roger Roth presented the internal report regarding the Maribor Winter Universiade in 2013. Then the floor was given to the delegates of the Organizing Committee of the 2013 Winter Universiade to give the host city progress report. The EC members were assured that all venues will be ready following the FISU requirements. ‘We are behind schedule due to the difficult economic situation, but we will overcome these delays in the long run’, Tone Vogrinec, president of the OC announced. Some venue changes were made, i.e. the move of the ski jumping and Nordic combined to Planica, which is under major renovation. The only open issue is the venue for the short track speed skating competition, which will be a temporary hall which will soon be decided after the visit of the FISUTechnical Chair for Short Track. Franc Kangler, the Mayor of Maribor, confirmed theFISU EC that the OC will do its outmost to bring the WU to a good end.

Next, Milan Augustin presented the internal report for the 2015 WU in Granada which was followed by the progress report of the OC delegates. A new team was formed and a media campaign was started to promote the city as host of the 2015 WU. After EC member and new appointed Secretary-General of the Granada OC David Cabello introduced the delegates, Aurelio Ureña presented the progress report. The OC website has been reactivated and the presence on social media such as FB has been realized. The new team in Granada put forward four important objectives for the 2015 WU, i.e. a guarantee of success in the organization and competitions, an economic and sports legacy for Granada, a positive social return to the involved public institution and facilitating private sector participation in order not to overcharge the public administrations with the construction and future exploitation of the venues. A detailed planning of the planned ice rinks was given as well.
SU Director Marc Vandenplas gave reported on the Shenzhen SU debriefing in Kazan, which was very successful. As this was the first time such an extensive debriefing was done, it will be included in the observer program for the next editions of the Universiade. He also discussed the upcoming inspection visit in Kazan with all new appointed Technical Chairs.

Then the floor was given to the Kazan OC to present its progress report. Azat Kadyrov, 1st Deputy Director General presented the main issues of progress. Lately the Rowing center was opened, while the construction of the football stadium gymnastic palace and aquatics center is currently in progress. The modernization of airport is taking place at a fast pace. Mr. Kadyrov also mentioned the FISU Flag Relay through 22 University cities. The dates for theFISU Conference were fixed on July 6-10, 2013 and the proposed theme is ‘University and Olympic Sports: Two Models, One Goal’.
Ms. Barrieva explained the objectives of the FISU International Education Center which will promote University Sport through an extensive education plan. 'CESU is really looking forward to these educational developments', Mrs Odell said.
The session ended with an overview of the 2017 Bidding candidates and the draw of the presentation order for the bidding cities for the next day. Almaty in the morning, Brasilia first in the afternoon, followed by Taipei City.
The EC members agreed to grant Chul-hi Chang, the Technical Chair for Short Track Speed Skating was the honorary membership for his long-time devotion to university short track speed skating.
Jean-Paul Clemençon was appointed the Technical Assistant of the FISU President.
C. Pierre, FISU Press Officer